Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One Kindergartener and One Tractor Driver

Lil's first official day of school was yesterday. After a rocky start (and plenty of tears), she pulled herself together and had a great day - so great that she couldn't wait to go back this morning. She was so excited to show me the train hat she made (the theme of her class is "I Think I Can" kindergarten).

This morning, we walked (or rather, I walked and they rode) to school, and she really liked that. We ran into her friend Liza, who was also walking to school with her mom and her sister, which made it even more fun. As soon as we got to her classroom, she gave me a hug and a kiss and told me it was time for me to leave. It made for a much happier morning for all of us!

Reid and I went to Home Depot later this morning and visited the lawn mowers (also known as tractors around our house) as we were leaving. As you can see, it was a high point in old Rooster's day.

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