Friday, June 29, 2007

Baby Margaret (and Sports Camp)

Lil went with me to visit Aunt Deborah and baby Margaret yesterday...

and finished sports camp at St Mary's this afternoon! The child is completely wiped out. :)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Science Musuem

Lil started a full-day sports camp at St Mary's this morning so Reid, Mae, and I went to the science museum for a couple of hours. Mae wasn't in her stroller much, but whenever she climbed in, Reid insisted on pushing her.

Reid's favorite thing was the dinosaurs (as usual); Mae liked the turtles so much she tried to give them kisses!


Lil with her friends Leslie, Liza, and Jelks

Lil had Bible School last week at church. The theme was "Rise and Shine with Noah," and believe you me, sister now knows every word to every Noah song around! I was one of the teachers a couple of days last week and took some pictures to commemorate the occasion.

Nothing like sending your kid to church camp covered in tattoos!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day (to the king of the castle)!

Lil took Father's Day very seriously this year. She sang "Happy Father's Day to You" (to the tune of "Happy Birthday") while Trey ate his breakfast, and she presented him with several hand-made gifts throughout the day. She made him a bracelet and necklace with her beads, and she drew him all sorts of pictures.

The final gift was this stunning crown she'd worked very hard on. She gave it to him and told him he was the king of the castle!

At least he has one lady around here who thinks of him that way.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hilton Head

We got back last night from a week in Hilton Head with my dad's family. All in all, we had 23 people there, including 6 (soon to be 7!) great-grandchildren. Lil and Reid were both excited to get home last night, but this morning they both said they were ready to go back to the beach. Me, too!

Thanks, Susu and Ga, for a wonderful vacation!

To Gigi's house we go!

Lil, Reid, and I left last Thursday to drive down to my grandmother's house in Georgia before our week in Hilton Head. They had a great time visiting everyone and REALLY enjoyed their cousins' puppies!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Blan's birthday party

Last Saturday Lil, Reid, and I went to Blan's birthday party at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer. They had a ball and were SO excited to see Blan, Aunt Dailey, and Uncle Aaron. My college friends Holly and Amanda were also there with their ankle biters - Carver, Springer, and Emma. It was the most enjoyable kid's birthday party I think I've attended in the last 5 years. :)

I neglected to take the memory card for my camera so Dailey sent these to me this morning. They're too cute not to share!

Friday, June 1, 2007

His teenage years are going to be a fright.

This video is almost 4 minutes long only because I cut it down from the original 10 minutes. Reid has a CD player in his room (as does Lil), and his 3 CDs are filled with nothing but Wiggles songs. Yesterday, I burned a CD for Lil with all her favorite songs (current favorite: "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey), and of course he wanted one, too. Clearly this one is NOT full of Wiggles songs. (Fear not, grandparents - no profanities or bad messages here. At least I don't think there are.)

Here he is rocking out to Linkin Park before bed. It's a lot funnier if he doesn't know anyone's watching him - hopefully I can catch that during another one of his mosh-pit performances. He looks like he's on that old Headbangers Ball show on MTV, except I'm pretty sure they didn't throw wooden trains around and dance with pretend firefighters. Or wear Buzz Lightyear pajamas.

Maybe they did that off-camera.

There's room for 2 princesses in this house.

Lil dressed up in (one of) her princess costumes this afternoon. Not to be outdone, Rooster chose another and wouldn't let me take a picture of him until he had 2 matching dress-up heels - on the right feet, of course. He was actually walking pretty well in them until he stepped off the dining room rug onto the hardwood floor. I think all that tulle cushioned his little fanny when he went down because he popped right back up.

Lil, on the other hand, didn't want to be photographed at all. Can you tell? Fortunately, she forgave me for my indiscretions with the camera and opted to wear this lovely ensemble when she and I made a quick trip to the grocery store before dinner. She rode in the cart and called it her chariot. As usual, I was supposed to pretend to be her servant. Pretend. Not hard to do when being a servant is your full-time occupation.