Monday, April 30, 2007

Duplin Road Country Club is officially open for business

Lil was over at her friend May's house this afternoon; fortunately, Reid had Mae to keep him company in our olympic-sized pool and water park.

100 days!

Today marked Lil's 100th day of school. Her teacher, Mrs Dana, had them each bring in 100 of something small (Lil chose Apple Jacks), and they had a party to celebrate. Clara wore a "100" necklace, and her class made hats for the party. It made ME sad.... I'm not ready for my baby to go to kindergarten in the fall!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Magic Tricks

There was a magician at the birthday party Lil and Reid went to this morning, and they were both mesmerized by him. The party favors were black magicians' hats with all sorts of things inside. The hats and their contents provided MUCH entertainment this afternoon - there was a lot of "abracadabra" and the like around here.

When Trey went in to give Lil a kiss goodnight a little while ago, she told him she was going to try to do a magic trick. Either she didn't elaborate on exactly what kind of trick she'd be doing or Trey wasn't really listening because her magic trick was putting a tight rubberband around her little nose. There may have been more to it than that, but evidently she fell asleep after that part of the trick.

When I went in her room, she was snorning like nobody's business. Trey and I were doubled over with laughter after we saw what she'd done - all with the magic hat on the pillow, too.

Nice magic, Lilly!

All Reid wants for Christmas (is Katharine McPhee)

Reid has true "McPheever." This is his most favorite song - can you tell? He asks for this every time we get in the car.... I'm not allowed to sing along, either (not that I blame him for that).

The pictures are from a birthday party they went to this morning.... They look like they really like each other here, but don't be fooled. It didn't last long!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy Thursday

After we picked Lil up from school this afternoon, we went to swimming lessons - always a big hit thanks to Mr Daniel! Our beloved Catherine stopped by for a visit as we got home, and she played one of Lil's favorite songs for me (from the Broadway show "Avenue Q"). As you can see, she's heard it more than a few times on the way to school in the mornings - I've never seen her belt anything out quite like this before. Unfortunately, my camera cut off before the song did; at least I got most of it!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nana's Here!

Nana (Luke's mother) is in town, and we had dinner with the Clines tonight over at Lauren and Luke's. Lil and Reid think Nana is their third grandmother so they were tickled to see her. The evening started off with a skinned knee, but Lauren and her top-notch first aid skills came to the rescue.

Thanks again for dinner!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Duplin Road Country Club (Redneck Pool, Part 2)

We upped the redneck ante this afternoon with a brand-new pool from Wal-Mart. With all the facilities we have going on around here, we are now calling ourselves Duplin Road Country Club. Lil and Reid's friends Tatum and Tobin came over to revel in our state-of-the-art pool and water park. I'm still crunching numbers to figure out what the initiation fee and monthly dues should be.

All we need now is a keg and some dixie cups at the refreshment stand. (The clubhouse would be our beat-down shed off the deck that currently houses Trey's bikes. We'll have to do a little renovating before we offer full-fledged memberships.)

Doughnuts with Dads

Trey took Lil to school this morning for "Doughnuts with Dads." She was VERY excited!

He gets to repeat the experience tomorrow morning with Reid - nothing like some hot Krispy Kremes to lure dads to preschool.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Redneck pool

This is how we roll in central North Carolina....

Today we blew up the inflatable water play center Blan gave Reid for his birthday and set it up on the back deck. Mae came over and joined Lil and Reid for some splashing - and subsequently found herself sans diaper, which only added to the redneck feel. (I opted not to include pictures of this so as to avoid conflict with both the law and her adoring father.) All we needed was some Pabst Blue Ribbon to make it complete.

It provided 2 solid hours of entertainment - so thank you, Aunt Dailey!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Daddy's back!

Who knew washing cars could be so much fun?

Trey got back this afternoon after being gone a week, and he had two very happy children waiting for him. I'm betting he won't have a minute alone until they're asleep tonight. As you can see, he had a lot of help washing my car!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Frank had a bath today so Reid got the go-ahead to invite him up. I don't know who was more excited - Reid or Frank. Frank doesn't get that kind of invitation very often.

This is (one of) Reid's mischief-making looks. When you see one of these, lock your doors and protect your valuables!

The Lord said to Noah....

There's gonna be a floody, floody....

This is one of Lil's favorite songs from preschool. I know this because this was only the third performance (of this song) this evening. I believe she's on #9 right now. Our neighbors must wonder what on earth is going on in our backyard - it sounds like a revival for little people. And to think I once thought this child would be on the shy side!

Reid made a brief appearance but for the most part decided to sit this one out. No doubt he was busy destroying something while his sister had my undivided attention. At least he was outside!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Big Wheels

Anytime is a good time to ride big wheels - even when you're clean and dressed for school and your big wheel is filthy!

Susu, Grammy, and Uncle Luke (and anyone else who was secretly appalled by his long locks) - I'm sure you will be tickled to notice Reid finally got a haircut. The fruit loop at Supercuts went at him like he was Edward Scissorhands - I didn't want that much cut off! I'm telling you, I could make a little wig with what he chopped off that sweet little head. Alas, the pre-mullet is gone, and that's the silver lining here.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Trouble brewing...

Lauren and I got a nice (albeit frightening) look into what awaits us in 10 years - Reid and his partner in crime, Mae, taking the car out for a joyride. Meanwhile, Lil, lover of creatures big and small (except bees), was too busy with a caterpillar she found in Lauren's driveway to care about playing in my car.

No doubt she'll be the one to rat out her brother and their cousin when they're out making mischief!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gymnastics (and bubbles)

As you can see, Reid's injury hasn't slowed him down a bit. Here he is at gymnastics (with his friend Howard) this morning.

Lil had fun blowing bubbles in the front yard this afternoon - finally, warm weather has returned!