Friday, June 1, 2007

There's room for 2 princesses in this house.

Lil dressed up in (one of) her princess costumes this afternoon. Not to be outdone, Rooster chose another and wouldn't let me take a picture of him until he had 2 matching dress-up heels - on the right feet, of course. He was actually walking pretty well in them until he stepped off the dining room rug onto the hardwood floor. I think all that tulle cushioned his little fanny when he went down because he popped right back up.

Lil, on the other hand, didn't want to be photographed at all. Can you tell? Fortunately, she forgave me for my indiscretions with the camera and opted to wear this lovely ensemble when she and I made a quick trip to the grocery store before dinner. She rode in the cart and called it her chariot. As usual, I was supposed to pretend to be her servant. Pretend. Not hard to do when being a servant is your full-time occupation.

1 comment:

Grammy said...


Your comments are priceless. I am still a servant to one of my offspring.