Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

We spent the afternoon at the pool yesterday. Reid racked out in a lounge chair covered in towels for a solid hour, which did wonders for his disposition the rest of the day. The pool speakers were blaring and there were people everywhere, but it didn't phase him. I had "milky" in the cooler so he drained his cup and passed out.

Trey, Mitch, Lil, Reid, and I went over to the Clines last night for dinner. Neither of my children was all that cooperative when I pulled the camera out so I put it up after a few pictures. Bless their hearts, I think they are officially tired of being photographed.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

1 comment:

The Hiatt Family said...

Happy Fourth to y'all! It looks like a fun filled day...miss you.