Monday, October 1, 2007

Here's to you, Uncle Aaron (and Alice Cooper).

Reid is absolutely fascinated by an Alice Cooper album cover on iTunes. He was quite terrified of it for a while (and really, who could blame him?), but now he's mesmerized by it. He says, "I really like 'Alex' Cooper. He's cool." He either stares at his picture on the screen or rocks out - usually a combination of the two.

Aaron, you and your godson have some good times ahead.

1 comment:

The Morrisons said...

Reid-You rock! Those were some of the sickest moves I have ever seen. You do me and Mr. Cooper very proud.
You do need to work on your mullet though. But you're still a real Junior Cooper Trooper in my book.

Uncle Aaron

* A side note from Aunt Dailey...

Reid, Reid, Reid. What is your mother doing to you? It's obvious I need to pay a trip to the capital city and soon!