Thursday, August 30, 2007

And she's off!

Lil started kindergarten this morning.... There were quite a few tears (both hers AND mine!), but as soon as I left, she was happy as a clam and having a ball. (My friend's sister is a teacher there and checked in on her several times.) Hard to believe it's already time for it!


Grammy said...

Lillian has reached another milestone in her life. She is beginning her path through the educational jungle. I remember taking pictures on her first day of pre-school. Stop the clock! She is growing up too fast.

The Hiatt Family said...

Oh, I've been waiting for this post: you made it! I mean, Lilly made it :) WOW! I can't believe she's in kindergarten. She's going to love it-and they won't be able to help but love her. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Lil! You are going to have such a great time in school. I can't wait to hear about all that you are learning and all the fun you are having! Love you!-Aunt Sarah

I hope you are hanging in there, Carrie! I know you must be both happy and sad to see your baby going to kindergarten:) Looks like a great school...XOX

The Barfield Boys said...

where has the time gone?? I hope she learns to love the first day of school fresh erasers and clean backpacks!! Can you tell i am a teacher!! GO LIL!!!

The Morrisons said...

I am so proud of Lilly. I just can't help but cry knowing she's in kindergarten. I will never forget seeing that darling baby for the first time. I was in love from the beginning and it amazes me how she only gets sweeter. I hope those teachers know what a treasure she is. She is destined for wonderful things and I can't wait to watch it all! I miss you all!