Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow (or not), friends, one engineer, and a big digger

Several weeks ago, our weather forecast promised up to four inches of snow. I made the mistake of telling Lil and Reid about that, and they waited and waited for those flakes to start coming down. Oh, those local weather people all needed to be lined up for a good spanking because they were so, so wrong. We got NO SNOW - just a little ice covering on the back deck. Lil made the most of it, though - she was out there trying to make snow angels.

Reid also had his friend Woody over for a while before they went to a birthday party. Clearly one mischief-maker finding happiness with another.

Lil was "engineer of the week" at school last week. Each of the 22 kids in her class gets a turn during the year - a full week of numerous special privileges. She'd been eagerly anticipating her turn since September and was SO excited when her turn finally came! She even asked me to come take pictures of her with her chart that they make during the week.

Our house sold after four days (!) so we signed on to build a new one about a mile away. The house that was on the lot was torn down this afternoon, and our builder called to let me know the "big digger" (as Reid calls it) was out. We drove over to watch for a while, and much to Reid's delight (and my surprise), the big digger driver, Cecil, invited Reid to climb up and help finish the demo work. It's safe to say Reid's new goal in life is to have his own big digger.

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