Saturday, April 28, 2007

Magic Tricks

There was a magician at the birthday party Lil and Reid went to this morning, and they were both mesmerized by him. The party favors were black magicians' hats with all sorts of things inside. The hats and their contents provided MUCH entertainment this afternoon - there was a lot of "abracadabra" and the like around here.

When Trey went in to give Lil a kiss goodnight a little while ago, she told him she was going to try to do a magic trick. Either she didn't elaborate on exactly what kind of trick she'd be doing or Trey wasn't really listening because her magic trick was putting a tight rubberband around her little nose. There may have been more to it than that, but evidently she fell asleep after that part of the trick.

When I went in her room, she was snorning like nobody's business. Trey and I were doubled over with laughter after we saw what she'd done - all with the magic hat on the pillow, too.

Nice magic, Lilly!


Margo said...

I wonder what she was thinking? I would love to know why she placed a rubber band around the end of her nose.


Anonymous said...

Carrie, did she learn that rubberband trick from you? The sound of gentle snoring takes me back to Salem and makes me think of someone I knew who would unknowingly entertain the rest of us with her slumbering snorts. hehehe.